International Model United Nations of Middle East and North Africa (MENAMUN)
نموذج محاكاة الامم المتحدة بشمال افريقيا و الشرق الاوسط
The next conference to be announced soon!
What is MENAMUN?
International Model United Nations of the Middle East and North Africa (MENAMUN) is an educational simulation conference where young people simulate topics of the United Nations and other international organisations. This program serves as a development link between youth and the world of international relations and diplomacy. We aim to teach and spread the core principles of the United Nations and especially the Human rights principles. At every conference, about 250 participants from more than 15 countries take part in and they are mainly aged between 16 and 28 years old from all over the world. In MENAMUN, participants as Delegates are given a certain country to represent and research their chosen country's position regarding a given topic in a specific committee. After preparation, all delegates step into the lives and shoes of diplomats and represent this country in a committee. Participants negotiate to bring forward new solutions to solve a world conflict. The working languages are English, French, and Arabic and it varies from one committee to another one.
Why should you participate:
• become acquainted with international issues
• improve your negotiation and public speaking skills
• get an insight into the UN diplomat's work
• internationalize the personal skills
• become a better team-worker and a leader
• get a special certificate and earn other awards
• meet new people from different countries
• build new networks with young leaders and activists
Preparing as a Delegate:
After you have submitted your application to participate by filling in the registration form, we will send you an initial acceptance email with instructions if accepted. Once you pay the full participation fee, we will send you a final confirmation email and inform you about the topic of discussion, the committee and the country that you will represent - knowing that you cannot represent your home country and the distribution of the countries is the task of the General Secretariat of the Conference. Next, we'll provide you with the topic background guide for your committee - please read that first. Each participant represents only one country in one committee on one particular topic, and there will be an introductory research guide for each topic which will be sent to the accepted participants three months before the start of the conference.
Apart from the introductory guide from us, your extensive research on the topic of your committee will contribute to a very rewarding experience in MENAMUN. Therefore, we recommend that you allocate sufficient time for your research before the conference. Read a lot first and then build your arguments using scientific resources available on the Internet, or other sources. The following files will help you a lot with preparation - read them first before reading the introductory guide of your committee.
* Training and preparation documents in Arabic and French will be added SOON!
Committees in English and French in the next edition:
UN WOMEN - United Nations Entity for Gender Equality - English
Topic: To be announced
EPCULT - EU Parliament Committee on Culture and Education - English
Topic: To be announced
HRC - Human Rights Council - English
Topic: To be announced
UNESCO - UN Educational Scientific & Cultural Organisation - English
Topic: To be announced
SOCHUM - Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee – French
Topic: To be announced
Committees in Arabic in the next edition:
UNSC - United Nations Security Council - Arabic
Topic: To be announced
AL - Arab League - Arabic
Topic: To be announced
UfM - Union for the Mediterranean - Arabic
Topic: To be announced
WHO - World Health Organization - Arabic
Topic: To be announced
NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization - Arabic
Topic: To be announced
Participation fee:
Thanks to our wide network of partners, we offer you this valuable opportunity at an affordable cost that is suitable for all.
The fee includes accommodation, meals, training & certificate.
For participants between 18 and 26 years old:
For citizens of an Arab country: 200 Euros
For citizens of Tunisia: 500 Tunisian Dinars
For citizens of a non-Arab country: 350 Euros
For participants between 26 and 30, there is an additional fee of 50 Euros.
For participants between 30 and 35, there is an additional fee of 100 Euros.
Applicants with the AOD membership have a discount of 50 Euros.
The conference is held over 5 days in Tunisia.
Online preparatory training is provided before the conference.
Accommodation is in a students' dorm in quadruple and triple air-conditioned rooms with same gender.
The place of residence is the same as the place of the conference and which means that there is no need to move by transportation.
Participants must organize their travel to and from Tunisia on their own responsibility.
Participants must organize their travel to and from the Venue on their own responsibility.
The next conference to be announced soon!
Our Vision:
> Demonstrating leadership in building inclusive movements and effective bridge-building across cultural diversity,
> Demonstrating commitment to enhancing youth civil and political engagement,
> Reducing the exclusion of communities with limited opportunities or politically, socially or economically affected,
> Equipping marginalized communities or individuals with leadership, peacebuilding, and change-making skills,
> Demonstrating success in building partnerships and commitment to learning, evaluation, and sharing best practices.
History of previous editions:
September 2016 - Foundation of the International Model United Nations of Middle East and North Africa (MENAMUN)
July 2017- First Edition from 9th to 13th of July in Sousse, Tunisia
Manager: Mohamed Sar / Coordinator: Tarek Rouis / Coordinators: Yasmine Mrad, Eya Ksia, and Mariam Essoukri
180 Delegates and 14 Dais members from 21 Countries in 7 committees!
July 2018 - Second Edition from 21th to 25th of July in Sousse, Tunisia
Manager: Mohamed Sar / Coordinator: Takwa Gharsallah / Coordinator: Yasmine Mrad
200 Delegates and 18 Dais members from 14 Countries in 9 committees!
July 2019 - Third Edition from 21th to 25th of July in Hammamet, Tunisia
Manager: Mohamed Sar / Coordinator: Ines El Amri / Coordinator: Yasmine Mrad / Advisor: Takwa Gharsallah
225 Delegates and 20 Dais members from 16 Countries in 10 committees!
(OIC - ARAB LEAGUE - Anti-Corruption Commission - UNODC - CEU - AFRICAN UNION - HRC - UN WOMEN - UNESCO - G20)
The conference was cancelled between 2020 and 2023 due to the global COVID-19 pandemic.
You can like the conference page on Facebook to receive all the information and updates as soon as it is published and to see more photos and videos.
“The key to resolving international conflict with a positive outcome includes looking for a win-win situation, finding common ground, formulating proactive strategies, using effective negotiation and communication, and appreciating cultural differences.” - Amit Ray
Capacity Building Capacity Building Capacity Building Capacity Building